Welcome to Ashmore, a quaint town nestled in the picturesque Pocono Mountains, where the extraordinary meets the everyday in the Unnatural Universe. Here, visitors may encounter elegant Vampires, rugged Werewolves, mystical Phral, aquatic Waterborn, elusive Shifters, and enigmatic Incarnates. Whether you're exploring our historic streets or venturing into our mystical forests, Ashmore offers a blend of natural beauty and supernatural intrigue. Discover the secrets of Unnatural and immerse yourself in a world where the ordinary is anything but.

Unnatural is an Application-free, HUD-free, Character Sheet-free, Free-form Roleplay Sim.  By accepting the invite to the Roleplay Group Players agree to abide by the Lore and Rules of the SIM

Ashmore, PA

Somewhere on the map of Pennsylvania, USA, nestled amid the majestic Pocono Mountains, lies the City of Ashmore.

Ashmore started as a busy logging camp in the 1800s and later grew into a thriving quarry town. However, these industries changed the landscape and made it hard for Ashmore to compete with the booming tourism industry in the Poconos during the 1920s and 1930s. By the time tourism really took off after World War II and lasted until the 1990s, Ashmore was overshadowed by larger resorts.

In the 1960s, a lone biker named Frick Grey came to town with enough money to buy up the land around Ashmore, including the quarry. He shut down the mining and logging operations and established a Wolf Sanctuary. He also worked hard to restore the forests and the lake.

Today, Ashmore celebrates its natural beauty with a state park and a renowned wolf sanctuary in the surrounding woods and mountains. The town offers a peaceful escape with a hint of wild heritage. Visitors can enjoy a pristine lake perfect for swimming, boating, and fishing. The area boasts extensive hiking trails that wind through lush forests and scenic vistas. For those looking to immerse themselves in nature, there are numerous camping spots that provide a serene retreat under the stars. Ashmore is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, blending tranquility with a touch of untamed wilderness.

Location:  NE Pennsylvania, Luzerne County Ashmore is loosely modeled around the Lake Harmony PA area.

Population: Under 10,000, with occasional increases for events and seasons.

Driving distance to New York City: About 2.5 hours, depending on traffic and weather.

Driving distance to Philadelphia: About 2 hours, depending on traffic and weather.

Average temperatures: 16-30°F in winter, and 60-80°F in summer.

Players are welcome to claim to be a “local”, and grow up in Ashmore, or even be multi-generational “local”.  Please do not introduce “history” into Ashmore without approval.

The Unnatural Universe

Like any other book or movie, the Unnatural Universe exists within specific established parameters, and we ask our players to not alter, or introduce new entities into the Unnatural Universe without prior approval.  

In World:  Unnatural