This page outlines the defining traits of Vampires within the Unnatural Universe. All players need to familiarize themselves with these traits to maintain consistency during roleplay sessions. While creativity is encouraged, adhering to the established lore of the Unnatural Universe is essential for an immersive experience for everyone.

Over time, Vampire lore has evolved, taking various shapes and forms. From the classic depiction in 'Dracula' to the romanticized portrayal in 'Interview with the Vampire,' and the modern interpretation in 'Twilight,' each offers a distinct perspective on these immortal beings. In the Unnatural Universe, we add our own twist to vampire mythology, blending traditional elements with innovative concepts, and enriching their mystique in our narrative.


Like all races in the Unnatural Universe, the true origin of Vampires is unknown. Vampires are considered "undead" and feed off the blood of other living beings. Every culture has its own myths and legends about Vampires, but none have been confirmed. For instance, some believe Vampires originated from ancient curses, like the story of Lilith, Adam's first wife, who became a blood-drinking demon. Others think Vampires stem from Vlad the Impaler, a brutal ruler who inspired the Dracula legend. Your character can believe any origin myth or legend that suits them culturally or fits your out-of-character preference, but it doesn't make it true.  


Unlike some of the other Supernaturals in the Unnatural Universe, Vampires do not shift into another form.  

They appear completely Human, save for a bit paler or ashen skin as they don’t spend much time in the sun.  Feeding warms their bodies for a short while and brings some color to their cheeks and lips, and they can retract their fangs. 

If Vampires go too long without feeding, their skin may become ashen or sickly-looking, and they may appear thinner or malnourished, with sunken eyes and cheeks.

When experiencing Bloodlust, Vampires may take on a more monstrous appearance, with ashen skin, protruding veins, glowing red eyes, and other physical changes. Players are encouraged to be creative with these transformations.


In the Unnatural Universe, Vampires defy many common myths. They don't fly, holy water and crucifixes have no effect on them, and they might even enjoy a hint of garlic in their meals. Vampires also have reflections.



Vampires possess certain abilities that set them apart from other races in Unnatural:

–They can detect heartbeats from other life forms in their vicinity (20m range).  With knowledge and experience, they may be able to discern different races based on their heart rate.

–They can “Glamour” or  "Compell" victims to make them do their bidding or alter their memories. (See below Glamouring/Compelling)

-Because of their longevity, Vampires tend to be patient and disciplined.  Many have mastered things like martial arts, sword fighting, multiple languages, etc


Vampires can use Glamouring and Compelling to control others' actions, thoughts, and memories, similar to hypnosis. All Vampires have this ability, but they need to learn and practice it. A 300-year-old Vampire who practices regularly will be better at it than a 600-year-old who doesn't.

For a Vampire to glamour or compel someone, they must have the victim's full attention and eye contact. Once eye contact is made, the victim enters a trance-like state and becomes susceptible to verbal suggestions, commands, or memory alteration.

All races, except Incarnates, are susceptible to glamouring but may resist if they know about the ability. Phrals can create charms to prevent glamour or compelling. See the Phral page for more details.

Consent is crucial for any ability affecting other players. Discuss and agree on the terms out-of-character beforehand. Victims can avoid glamouring by avoiding eye contact, quickly looking away, or being distracted. Excessive glamour can cause mental instability, paranoia, and panic. The effectiveness and duration of glamouring are up to the player's discretion.


Glamouring alters a victim’s memories but isn’t foolproof.

- Memories can't be fully erased, only altered or covered up. For example, patrons leaving Lazarus might be glamoured to forget Vampire activity and instead remember a night of drinking, partying, and fetish play.

- If a memory isn’t replaced with something else, it can leave gaps or blackouts. These gaps might prompt the person to investigate, triggering the true memory. Talking to witnesses with different memories can also cause the real memory to resurface.

“I thought we went to the diner when we left Lazarus.”

“No. Think harder. We took you home because you passed out after making out with some guy.”

“I distinctly remember having pancakes...”

“Do you remember leaving the diner? You woke up on your sofa. Do you even have a receipt from the diner? Check your bank account.”


Compelling is a Vampire’s power to control someone's actions with a suggestion or command.  In addition to particular victims, they may also Compell their progeny, though not other Vampires

- The victim might not be able to resist, might not be aware of their actions (player discretion), and may not remember what they did. Glamouring afterward is recommended. Example: "You will eat this bowl of earthworms but remember eating spaghetti."

- It's difficult to Compel someone to act against their nature or to harm themselves. Only very skilled Vampires might succeed in this.

- The effects of Compelling fade over time or once the action is done. For example, if a Vampire Compels someone to visit Lazarus every Friday night, they might need ‘refreshing’ after a few times.

**NOTE: We understand some may want more permanent effects, feeling it shows greater power. However, keeping these abilities less permanent and more flexible encourages player consent. It’s similar to why just biting/feeding doesn’t turn or kill a person.



In the Unnatural Universe, Vampires' enduring lifespans afford them a refined demeanor and extensive knowledge. They often accumulate wealth through centuries, indulging in luxury and embracing modern technology. While some cling to tradition, most prefer contemporary comforts and pursue careers in white-collar professions like banking or club ownership. Aware that humans frequent affluent circles, they cultivate glamorous lifestyles to attract prey.

Vampires form nests, but some prefer solitude or small groups to maintain their resources and independence. While larger nests exist, they are uncommon.

However, Vampires face challenges. Skills and knowledge fade if not regularly practiced, and they succumb to Nebunia, a form of dementia, around 1500 years old. Some cultures have ritualistic executions to handle such cases within nests.



While Bloodlust enhances a Vampire’s abilities/speed/strength, it mentally impairs them with loss of control, and some may experience delusions or paranoia.   Bloodlust also gives them a monstrous appearance with ashen skin, protruding veins, and red eyes, among other things (Players can be creative here), and the severity of the effects is dependent on age, experience, training, etc,  Bloodlust drives up hunger, and some may lose control, especially younger Vampires.  They may feed indiscriminately and recklessly until they’ve regained control.  They may or may not remember/be aware of the Bloodlust state

Bloodlust may be brought on by long periods without feeding, the scent of blood, especially if hungry, the Full Moon, and in some cases, feeding off of other Supernaturals.   Many Vampires gorge themselves before the Full Moon to diminish the symptoms.

​The Taste of Blood

Vampire tastes vary widely, just like in the real world. Some have specific preferences, requiring Blood Dolls to consume certain foods or drinks like garlic, pineapple juice, curry powder, or sugary treats to flavor their blood. Additionally, Vampires may favor individuals from different ethnic backgrounds for their unique seasoning preferences.  

Supernatural Blood has unique tastes also, with Werewolves and Shifters tasting gamey, with a hint of the wilderness.  Waterborn, depending on whether they live in fresh or salt water will taste accordingly, some more muddy, some more seafood-like.   Phral blood is Ambrosia to Vampires, and the most addictive and desireable.

Supernatural Blood

Supernatural blood offers Vampires a unique and potentially addictive satisfaction, with each type carrying distinct flavors. Incarnates' blood resembles human blood, while Waterborn may taste slightly fishy or salty, depending on their habitat. Shifters and Werewolves offer a more gamey flavor, while Phral blood is particularly sweet and appealing to Vampires.

Vampires consuming Werewolf blood experience heightened susceptibility to Bloodlust. Even if they resist full Bloodlust, they may become paranoid and short-tempered until the Werewolf blood leaves their system.

Vampires find Phral blood irresistible, considering it top-tier. Its consumption often leads to a brief euphoric state, enticing some Vampires to seek out Phral for feeding and potential enslavement.

Other than flavor and a deep, lasting sense of satiation, the blood of Waterborn, Shifters, and Incarnates has no other effect on Vampires.  

The Full Moon

During the Full Moon in the Unnatural Universe, Vampires experience Bloodlust, losing control and engaging in violent feedings. While feeding or being sated beforehand may mitigate the effects, it does not entirely suppress Bloodlust.  Note  that while Unnatural observes the Full Moon OOC for an entire weekend, it is not necessary to roleplay Bloodlust for the duration.  Additionally, Bloodlust does fade with proper feeding.


When a Vampire feeds it's a complex experience for the victim. While there's typically initial pain from the bite, and even panic for some, it's often overshadowed by sensations of pleasure, heightened libido, and euphoria. Victims may enter a dream-like state, experiencing a floaty sensation. For some, these sensations become addictive. Depending on the extent of feeding, victims may pass out afterward, needing hours to recover from the intense physical and emotional experience.

**NOTE:  Not all players/victims will have read the Vampire page, so a quick OOC reminder of the effects is sometimes welcomed and appreciated.


Vampires are created by other Vampires, not born. A Vampire must feed off their victim until they are drained and almost dead, then feed them their own blood, after which the victim will enter a sleep-like state (some might think them dead) for 24 hours and wake up hungry. A responsible Sire would protect their progeny and make sure they are there when they wake so they can see to their needs. If a new Vampire wakes up alone they may not understand what is happening.  Bloodlust will rule their actions, and some might go on a feeding frenzy that might leave a few dead Humans and might permanently damage their psyche.  

**Note:  Only Humans or Phral can be turned.  Other races will either develop an infection from the bite that could result in death or will die when drained.


It is not uncommon for a Vampire to develop a relationship with Humans or other beings that they keep around mostly for feeding (We are not going to ask about your kinks :P).  Keep in mind though that blood slaves must eat a lot to replace blood loss, take vitamins and other supplements, and keep in good health or they will die.   

Vampire Blood

Vampire Blood has been known to be an “upper”, such as cocaine, or a really powerful metabolism enhancer.  Those who consume it have reported increased energy, mental clarity, enhanced libido, and decreased appetite, among other things.  Vampire Blood is highly addictive, both physically and mentally.   

Werewolves, Shifters, Waterborn, and Incarnates that consume Vampire Blood may experience euphoria, excitability, and nervousness, and may involuntarily shift immediately after consuming.  Some may have developed tolerance or practice in controlling this.

Vampire Blood may also be used in some Phral potions or rituals(see Phral page for details).  


Nests are family groups/clans formed by Vampires, for various reasons, like companionship or business, since they aren’t necessarily “pack’ driven creatures.  The politics, rules, etc are individual to each nest.  There is no officially established nest in Ashmore, but Vampires may start their own or become members of Club Lazarus should they choose.

Poconos Region Order of Vampires

​Motto: "Tenetur in sempiternum a sanguine protecti ab tenebris obumbratio" 

Translated: Forever bound by blood, protected by the darkness of the shadows.

The hierarchy of vampires’ organization, government, and culture differs from lore to lore. In the Unnatural Universe it is divided into different districts/parishes/regions, with each region having an appointed Doyen/Doyenne, who ultimately answers to NPC leaders above them all over the world.  In most cases it is divided as such:   Region>State>Country>Continent, but in places with a high-density Vampire population there might be smaller districts or territories within a Region.   In Ashmore, The Poconos Region Order of Vampires (PROV) rules over Vampire affairs in the North East region of Pennsylvania and houses its headquarters in the City of Ashmore, specifically at Club Lazarus. They are not a Nest. They oversee law and order for vampires in the region.

The Order ensures that all Vampires who enter the region keep the veil intact and hand out discipline to Vampires who break it. They can and will intervene with Vampire affairs that put the region at risk of exposure. Consequences can include physical punishment, fines, imprisonment, or handed over to the Veiled Council for more extreme punishment.

If your character is new to Ashmore they would more than likely have belonged to a different region Order or been under their rule, and it would be customary for Vampires to present themselves to The Order when they arrive.  


Club Lazarus is the Vampire gathering hub in Ashmore and possibly the only of its kind in the tri-state area!  It is advertised as a lounge to the public, offering live entertainment and fine spirits--but that is no more than a lure for victims/snacks!  It is owned by Rosemary Broussard and her partner Vincent Weirman.  It is very possible that your Vampire character has heard of either of them or may have knowledge of the club.  

Feeding is allowed in the alcoves (semi-private) and the VIP room, but open feeding is discouraged on the main floor. Lazarus provides a drink known as the 'House Red', a bottled blood, offered to Vampires. 

Vampires may become members and pay yearly dues (RP only, assumed transactions), or remain as guests.  Lazarus also has long-term rooms for rent, offering maximum security and not a single window in sight for members.  Any Vampire bringing a non-Vampire guest to Lazarus is responsible and liable for their behavior.

**OOC the rental rooms are weekly rentals, not hourly, and are a housing alternative for Vampires since they do not need kitchens or bathrooms!

VIP members also have access to the VIP Playrooms, for more privacy, and secure rooms for siring.  Ask management!

Non-vampire guests or unknowing humans who witness Vampire activity at Lazarus may be glamoured to re-imagine the events they witnessed. They may remember the people they meet, the dancing, partying, and drinking, but not any supernatural activity.

 Punishment for breaking rules or the veil at Lazarus can be harsh and may elicit a visit to the Poconos Region Order of Vampires