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Unnatural Updates for the Week of 3.19.24

Photo by Nialeera Burton

Things to do this week

Want to see more upcoming events? Check out the Unnatural Calendar 

Want to host an sim-wide or race only event? Submit your ideas HERE

Make sure after you submit to send a quick message to Ryder Storms in-world or in Discord..

March 19 @ 6pm SLT

A cocktail happy hour for residents of Ashmore who care to enjoy the upscale ambience of Lazarus during a two-hour period. Cocktails will be 25% off in general, 40% off the featured cocktail of the week. (RP only.) Standard Lazarus dress code applies during this event. A small weekly RP event.

March 20 @ 9am SLT

Welcome Wednesday is an OOC event where everyone is welcomed! Meet new and old roleplayers, ask questions about race, lore, or business. Learn about current storylines and how to get your character involved! This week we are meeting in the hospital lobby! Hosted by Shifter Lore Keeper Fia.

March 21 @ 11am SLT

Trash Compactor - Supernaturals only Fight Night ((humans admitted with a supernatural escort)). Come down to the Junk Yard, smash some faces in. The first rule about fight night, is don't talk about fight night. Reach out to acedia.ditko for more information.

March 22 @6pm SLT

Illegal Warehouse Rave - Robert's Auto Service Center

A low-cost rave held in an empty warehouse! Bring your own drinks and any other substances you want to enjoy during the show. No permits, no charge to get in, no security, no snitches! Attend at your own risk!


During the Full Moon Observance supernatural races are invited to play the consequences of the full moon. You are not required to do so for the entire 48 hours. If you are not sure how are what your race does during the full moon reach out to a Lore Keeper. You can find them under each race poster in the landing zone in-world!

March 24 @ 7pm SLT

Jazz Music Event - Ever feel like there's not enough jazz in your life? Well Ashmore, come on down to Sanguinary Cellars and fix that right up! Join us for live music as well as some special wine tastings from our unique blends all locally sourced. Dress code is business casual, ID 's will be checked at the door, 21+ event. ((ooc note, vampires will be provided a special menu, all staff will be supernatural or knowing))


Weather Report



Adult Human-like Avatars Only

No child avatars or underage players ever. Simple. Ageplay, CSAM, or anything related will result in an immediate ban. All avatars must be realistic and human-looking, even for non-human races when in human form. That means no furries, anthropomorphic, cartoon, or anime avatars are permitted.  Pregnancy, NPC prim babies, and child NPCs (off-screen) are permitted. If your character’s age is questionable, Unnatural’s administrators reserve the right to seek clarification and alteration. 


Unnatural is an adult sim with adult situations. While NPC children are permitted, at no time and under no circumstance is any roleplay allowed that causes harm, physical or otherwise, to children, which includes feeding or turning of NPC children. In the case of pregnancy, do not RP harm or abrupt/spontaneous termination when it involves other characters without clear and explicit agreement on the outcome or IC consequences for all those involved in the story/scene.  For example, do not roleplay that another character’s actions caused a miscarriage without OOC discussions and agreement.

Have a great week unnatural!

Kali (kaliope.karas) - Sim Owner/Community Lead

Pauleh - Sim Owner/Community Lead

Lexie Vaher - Community Lead

Leah Grave (abigail.macalroy) - Community Lead

Fen Blacach (fen.syakumi) - Community Lead

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