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Unnatural Updates for the Week of 3.5.24

Photo by Ryder Millet

Things to do this week

Want to see more upcoming events? Check out the Unnatural Calendar 

Want to host an sim-wide or race only event? Submit your ideas HERE

Make sure after you submit to send a quick message to Ryder Storms in-world or in Discord..

March 5 @ 6pm SLT

A cocktail happy hour for residents of Ashmore who care to enjoy the upscale ambience of Lazarus during a two-hour period. Cocktails will be 25% off in general, 40% off the featured cocktail of the week. (RP only.) Standard Lazarus dress code applies during this event. A small weekly RP event.

March 6 @ 11am SLT

Welcome Wednesday is an OOC event where everyone is welcomed! Meet new and old roleplayers, ask questions about race, lore, or business. Learn about current storylines and how to get your character involved! This week join us at the Lotus Yoga Studio!

Mar. 7 @ 11am SLT

The Octagon - MMA style fight night at the Pump & Grind Fitness Center. The Veil strictly enforced. Prizes include cash ((rp only)), gym memberships and bragging rights. Reach out to lossehellin.resident for more information.

March 9 @ 6pm SLT

An Incarnate only party to be held at the Redrum. This will be a locked door event. One where Incarnates can safely be in their true form if they so wish. A time for fun and meeting fellow Incarnates in the city. Some Redrum staff will be working and available as snacks if they consent.

Questions? Reach out to Daegus MacKeltar (daegus.xavorin)

Mar. 10 @ 2:30pm SLT

New Moon Moots: A monthly gathering of the local werewolf population to decide on important matters. If there are no important matters the purpose is for socializing, inter-pack business, and introducing new wolves to the local population. Werewolves and their bonded mates are eligible to vote on topics. Shifter characters are welcome to attend and be involved in the discussions. * Any party is welcome to raise a topic for the Moot to discuss. Arrive from 2.30pm SLT for 3.00pm SLT start of proceedings. March's chairwolf is Ryder Millet (tristan.trellis)! Please raise any desired topics for the month with him or Vot (votucu.babii).


Weather Report




Bad things happen to good people, sure, but even more bad things happen to bad people. Unnatural is a consent-based sim and asks others to respect limits; however, players may not use this fact to hide behind their "right to life" or their own limits to get out of consequences, nor should they expect other players to unfairly compromise their characters to accommodate those limits.

By involving your character in a situation where they may come to harm, say, by picking a fight or robbing a business, you are consenting to the potential of injury or worse - Should you wish for your character to remain unharmed, the player should not place their characters in a situation where harm could be reasonably expected; similarly, if you do not want your character to die, do not put them in a situation where death is a likely outcome. Don't skip in a minefield and be surprised when a landmine goes off. 


Players are asked to abide by a simple rule: ICA = ICC, that is, In-Character Actions have In-Character Consequences. Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. And that time might be forever.

Kali (kaliope.karas) - Sim Owner/Community Lead

Pauleh - Sim Owner/Community Lead

Lexie Vaher - Community Lead

Leah Grave (abigail.macalroy) - Community Lead

Fen Blacach (fen.syakumi) - Community Lead

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